TEE courses are available in multiple languages and for each stage of discipleship: Introductory Level – Ideal for discipling new believers or reinforcing basic teaching with more mature believers. Foundation Level – Courses for mature believers to prepare people for service in the local church. in Pastoral Theology to prepare believers for ministry in the local church. Practical Courses – Courses addressing specific topics relating to the Christian life. Each course comes with a separate Group Leader’s guide to accompany the students book.

Using TEE in your church
TEE works best when church leadership is supportive and committed to a church based discipleship program. A prerequisite to purchasing and using TEE material is to receive TEE Group Leader training in how to facilitate small groups using the TEE method. Please Contact TEE Australia if you would like to arrange for Group Leader training in your area.
Order TEE Resources
TEE resources for each stage of discipleship can be purchased through the SEAN’s
TEE Online Store.
Order TEE resources
TEE Resources for each stage of discipleship can be purchased through the SEAN website.
See Resources List below

Come Follow Me (adapted from SEAN's Adundant Life) can be purchased through the Word of Life website.

Some TEE courses are now available on the Growspace platform.Growspace is an app which can be used on phone or computer. It has security features which make it suitable for use in sensitive locations.
Abundant Life and The Big Picture by SEAN
Come Follow Me by Word of Life

Resources list
New Believers

Abundant Life
A basic course of 18 lessons on the foundations of the Christian life and how to live the “Abundant Life” offered by the Lord.
Suitable for: all backgrounds

The Big Picture (Abundant Light)
The Big Picture gives an excellent grounding in an overall knowledge and understanding of all the books of the Bible and how they fit together to give us a wonderful picture of God’s plan for mankind.
Suitable for: all backgrounds

Ephesians: Union with Christ
A self-study course of 30 practical and devotional lessons from the letter of Paul to the Ephesians.
Suitable for: all backgrounds
Languages: English, Spanish Publisher: SEAN
Growing Christians

Life of Christ 1
6 Book series
Life of Christ is a comprehensive training course for Christian workers based on the life of Jesus Christ according to the Gospel of Matthew and The Acts of the Apostles.
The complete Life of Christ is expected to take 2-3 years to complete.
Book 1: Introduction & Infancy
The first in a series of six books on the life of Christ, based on the Gospel according to Saint Matthew. Practical lessons to life and ministry are taught throughout these ten units. Some of the skills covered include inductive Bible study, conflict resolution, Bible geography, interpretation of Bible prophecy, Christology, Bible history, and confronting the occult.
Suitable for: believers preparation for service and leadership

Life of Christ 2
Book 2: Year of Preparation
Studies Jesus’ first year of ministry in depth.
Included: Bible chronology, synoptic harmony, interpretation of Biblical symbols, the Trinity, attributes of God, Biblical inspiration, justice and materialism, Biblical confession, and Biblical counseling.
Suitable for: believers preparation for service and leadership
Languages:Chinese, English, Spanish, Urdu Publisher: SEAN

Life of Christ 3
Book 3: Year of Popularity
Continues to investigate the forms and message of Jesus’ life and ministry begun in the previous books in the series.
Building upon the content and skills mastered through the study of Books 1 and 2, the third introduces additional basic pastoral skills such as public and private prayer, the preparation of simple bible messages, visitation in homes, and leading others in the knowledge of Jesus Christ as Savior.
Suitable for: believers preparation for service and leadership
Languages: Chinese, English, Spanish Publisher: SEAN

Life of Christ 4
Book 4: Year of Passion (Part 1)
Continues the journey through the life of Jesus’ life and third year of ministry, leading up to the last week of passion.
Skills covered include Bible geography, geographical structures, family ministry, Old Testament theology, psychology, creation and original sin, angelology, demonology, ecclesiology, Christian doctrines of death, baptism, and resurrection, Biblical interpretation, healthy relationships, the Apocrypha, study of the inter-testamental period, Biblical history, and sex, marriage, and family ministry.
Suitable for: believers preparation for service and leadership
Languages: Chinese, English, Spanish Publisher: SEAN

Life of Christ 5
Book 5: Year of Passion (Part 2)
Leads the student through a study of the last week of Jesus’ life, known as Passion week.
Book 5 covers Bible geography, Old Testament history, temple and tabernacle construction, interpretation of symbols and prophecy, human personality (anthropology), evangelism, sanctification, value assessment, human emotions, Biblical prophecy, eschatology, interpretation of parables, social ministry, church finances and record keeping, the doctrine of transubstantiation, prayer, and Bible chronology.
Suitable for: believers preparation for service and leadership
Languages: Chinese, English, Spanish Publisher: SEAN

Life of Christ 6
Book 6: Risen Life
Completes the Life of Christ series while taking a look at post resurrection appearances of Jesus. The book continues with an analysis of the structure of the book of Acts.
Topics covered include proofs of the resurrection, the Great Commission, missional outreach, church growth, pneumatology (the Holy Spirit), church ordinances, healing, church discipline, church offices, Bible history, personal evangelism, leadership development, and geographical and biographical analyses of Bible books.
Suitable for: believers preparation for service and leadership

Paul's Life and Letters 1
3 Book series
Paul’s Life and Letters is a 3 part series on the life and ministry of the apostle Paul.
Book 1: Early Life & First Missionary Journey
Book 1 covers Paul’s life in detail from childhood to the end of his first missionary journey. A profound study of the Letter to the Galatians encompassing: Justification by Faith, Law and Grace, Redemption, Heirs and Sons, Union, Pastoral care, the Apostleship of Paul, the Fruit of the Spirit and its pastoral application.

Paul's Life and Letters 2
Book 2 covers the events of Paul’s second missionary journey and provides Bible studies on the main themes of 1 and 2 Thessalonians and Philippians.
Languages: English Publisher: SEAN

Paul's Life and Letters 3
Book 3 focuses on Paul’s third missionary journey, his imprisonment and death including Bible studies on selected topics in his letters to the Ephesians, Colossians, Philemon, Corinthians and Romans.
Covers the topics: the presence and power of the Holy Spirit; pastoral problems and solutions; missionary strategies; union with and in Christ; joy in the face of problems; fidelity to the end.
Languages: English Publisher: SEAN

The Spirit World
The Spirit World, is a specialised course for bringing the freedom of the Lord Jesus Christ to those who are under any kind of influence from past or present contacts with occult activities. It seeks to avoid the two extremes – that of disbelieving in Satan’s existence and work in the world today, or of being overly interested in powers and phenomena related to the devil and his demons.
The course has been designed:
- to help God’s people in their own daily battle against Satan and all his temptations as they counsel those who have been in contact with the occult or any other harmful practices of the spirit world.
- to offer release from bondage through the liberating power of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Languages: English Publisher: SEAN