Helping churches make disciples and grow their own leaders

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TEE Group Leader Training

Adelaide, June 23-24

TEE Australia is running a TEE Group Leader Training in Adelaide on 23-24th June.

Get equipped to lead TEE small groups in your church.

The Ark Salisbury Lutheran Church, Adelaide
(10 Waterloo Corner Rd, Salisbury)

Friday 7 – 9:30 pm
Saturday 9:30 am – 3:30 pm

Cost:  $30 (contact if price is an issue)

TEE: Tools to Equip & Empower

TEE is a tried and tested approach to discipleship and leadership training that takes place in the local church with the goal of ‘every believer becoming a disciple and worker for Jesus’.

70 languages

100 countries

50 years experience

TEE originally stood for ‘Theological Education by Extension’  but is now also known as Tools to Equip and Empower. TEE material allows churches to disciple people in their heart language, in their location and in their context.

TEE is a method

Personal study

engage the head

Weekly discussion

engage the heart

Practical application

engage the hands

TEE has an intentional three stage process to help enable learning and transformation to take place.

Students work through the lesson for the week individually. All students are part of a local learning group, led by a trained facilitator. The weekly meeting allows students to discuss the implications of the lesson and learn from other members.

Each topic finishes with a practical application task to link learning leads to both personal and communal transformation.

TEE is designed for the local church


Obedience based discipleship


In the languages of your community


Study at home plus a weekly meeting that suits your context

"Every believer a disciple and worker for Jesus"

TEE is being used in a wide range of settings around the world. In some places it is used as a multi-year discipleship program within the local church to equip members for ministry. In emerging church locations, accredited TEE programs are used to train and equip local pastors. TEE’s goal is for every believer to be a disciple and worker for Jesus.

Where is TEE used?

What students say

Chinese in New Zealand

Middle East



Chinese in Australia




Korean in New Zealand


Papua New Guinea


Why TEE works

Well Prepared

TEE courses are well prepared with theological depth and educational skill and have been rigorously field-tested.

Simple yet profound

TEE courses are simple yet profound. Like Jesus' teaching, everybody can understand yet the teachings provoke discussion and demand an answer.

Biblical & Interdenominational

Firmly based on Scripture, course developers have been sensitive to leave possible points of division open-ended for the local church to provide the point of view of the denomination.

Self-teaching & not acdemically exclusive

TEE courses encourage students to be active in their learning. Studying theology often requires a high level of education. TEE courses are intentionally written to allow broad access and participation.

Student feedback

TEE studies have changed my attention from Face Book, and You Tube to studying God’s Word.

Since I found it so helpful in my spiritual life, I have also started helping to facilitate TEE classes for other Nepali friends.
Nepali in Malaysia
In the past I didn't read the Bible myself. I thought it's enough just to attend the church services.

But when I became a student, I realized that without the Bible I can't grow spiritually, I will just stay in the same place without any progress.
Russian in Korea
I like that it gives you the opportunity to discuss the topics with another person.

It also has practical tasks that you can apply every week that you learn in your life.
Iranian in Australia
I was not a Christian believer in Mongolia, but in Austria I met a Mongolian pastor and I heard about Jesus from him.

Then I studied Abundant Life in my own language!
Mongolian in Austria
As a pastor, it is so inspiring to see how people are growing. I learned myself a lot in the process.

I see the brothers and sisters who are in a very difficult situation as migrants, how they change, how they grow spiritually and are empowered.
Russian in Korea
Every brother and sister, young or old, has the opportunity to freely share their thoughts, questions, problems and pains – as they’ve experienced in their lives.

This makes us interested and we open up, and can pray, not only for ourselves but for others”.
Afghan in England

TEE in Asia

Each year over 100,000 people use TEE courses in Asia alone. An increasing number of churches in western countries are also using TEE in multi-cultural settings.

Find out how churches are making disciples and growing their own leaders.

TEE for the 21st Century

Does TEE have solid theological foundations?

Is TEE an appropriate tool to equip the people of God in the 21st century?

This book seeks to provide a robust answer to these and other questions. It also shows how God is using TEE in the persecuted church and amongst diaspora communities.

What facilitators say

TEE is a great tool to help followers of Jesus have a good foundation and a systematic, comprehensive way of growing as disciples in community. It is being used in amazing ways in closed countries and also amongst diaspora peoples in Europe, Australia, New Zealand and North America.
Rev. Dr Lyn
Interserve International
I have found TEE material to be very good for use with ESL students. They are simple, interactive, well sequenced and thorough in teaching Biblical concepts. I would recommend them for new Christians, especially from an ESL background, and those who are just beginning in the Christian faith.
Elizabeth Muldoon
Mt Druitt Presbyterian
There are three things about TEE that I especially like.
First, that TEE gives all God’s people access to training as they follow and serve Jesus.
Second, that TEE keeps a close link between learning and the church.
Third, that TEE has a strong focus on practical application for learning.
As a teacher in a theological college I appreciate the way in which TEE complements the work of the colleges.
David Burke
Christ College (Presbyterian Theological College)

How we can help you

Course Books

TEE material catering for new believers to mature workers and leaders in multiple languages.


Practical training to help you run a TEE group.


Ongoing coaching for churches and TEE group facilitators.

A typical Group Facilitator training is a 2 day hands-on workshop that explains how to facilitate TEE small groups and provide an overview of the TEE resources available in Australia.

The training is designed to be practical – approximately half the time is spent experiencing a TEE small group then practicing facilitating one.

If you would like to schedule a TEE Group Facilitator training, please contact us.

How we can help you

Course Books

TEE material catering for new believers to mature workers and leaders in multiple languages.


Practical training to help you run a TEE group.


Ongoing coaching for churches and TEE group facilitators.

A typical Group Facilitator training is a 2 day hands-on workshop that explains how to facilitate TEE small groups and provide an overview of the TEE resources available in Australia.

The training is designed to be practical – approximately half the time is spent experiencing a TEE small group then practicing facilitating one.

If you would like to schedule a TEE Group Facilitator training, please contact us.

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